The Meaning and Meaning of the Lord's Prayer
1. The Meaning of the Lord's Prayer: Our Father who is in heaven
The Lord Jesus taught His disciples that they should address God with “Our Father”, not “My Father”. Our Father is an expression of togetherness that believers have the same Father, one Father, namely the Father who is in heaven.
2. Meaning of the Lord's Prayer: Hallowed be Your name
To sanctify God's name means not to change God into what we want, but instead we are subject to God. God is free to determine what He wills. The Lord Jesus from the beginning wanted to remind that prayer is not to dictate to God or force God to obey our will, but prayer is to let God remain a sanctified God. It means that God acts according to His own will.
3. The meaning of the Lord's Prayer: Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
The kingdom of God is a state where God is present and reigns there.
God's work has come, that is when Jesus was present in the world. And will come, meaning that the kingdom of God that has come has not been fully revealed, it is still continuing towards perfection until Jesus comes the second time.
Praying in this way means acknowledging and inviting God to be present and beautify, be ruler over the world and over our lives. God who is present as ruler also means God whose will is done in this world as well as in heaven.
4. Meaning of the Lord's Prayer: Give us this day our daily bread.
Requests taught by God concern basic human needs. The most basic need is food.
Requests for basic necessities are requested for today. Enough for one day, not for a year. The Lord Jesus taught us that we are completely dependent on God's providence.
Requests for these basic needs are requested in moderation, not in abundance, based on greed. This is intended so that we keep remembering others, so that God's blessings are also for others, not only for ourselves.
5. Meaning of the Lord's Prayer: And forgive us our sins, as we also forgive those who have wronged us
This part of prayer is often the hardest thing for us.
In this sentence, God teaches us that we ask the Father to forgive us, as we forgive those who have wronged us. So we say that we have forgiven those who have wronged us.
It means that if we do not forgive those who have wronged us, the Father will not forgive us either.
6. Meaning of the Lord's Prayer: And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
This passage has a double meaning. On the one hand, we ask the Father not to lead us into temptation, that means we have not entered into temptation. But on the other hand, we ask the Father to deliver us from the evil one, that means we are already in the clutches of the evil one.
This sentence also makes us aware that we are weak human beings, who still often fall into temptation. Okay, that's why we ask Allah to keep us away from evil. This sentence refers more to "ask for God's strength so that we are able to resist and stay away from temptation".
7. Meaning of the Lord's Prayer: For You are the Kingdom and the power and glory forever and ever, Amen
This final section is intended to praise and glorify God. He alone has the kingdom, power, and glory, and to Him all things are directed.
The word "Amen" means "truly and true". We believe what we have prayed for, we want to say that we are praying earnestly, and what we pray for is true. We also believe that God hears our prayers.
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